We are about to enter one of the most beloved and waited periods of the year. A time that refers to the exquisite taste of cuisine, with exquisite foods accompanied... read more →
Certainly one of the main characteristics of Courovale, and what makes it stand out among the best tanneries in the national and international market, is the excellence of its work... read more →
Every successful project is created from the combination of several ideas. The brain storming, the confrontation of information, the technical survey involving field research and theoretical analysis. It is the... read more →
As we have already pointed out, leather is a noble material and of animal origin, and may have different characteristics between each skin, both in texture, color, thickness or imperfections.... read more →
The current market continues to give preference and appreciation for companies that produce products of unquestionable quality, present ethical values, have sustainability policies, good representation and dialogue with their public.... read more →