As a company that is focused on the sale of finished leathers, Courovale has the legal responsibility to comply with a series of requirements foreseen in the Legislation. And naturally... read more →
The perfect option for customizing leather items for the coldest season of the year. With this basic concept, the Winter 21/22 Collection was created, the launch of Courovale that brought... read more →
1 – Brazil has a federal law that prohibits the use of expressions such as “couro ecológico” or “couro sintético”, ecological leather and synthetic leather, respectively. The law number 4.888/65... read more →
The leather law: the penalty is for those who use expressions such as “synthetic leather” or “ecologic leather”. In Brazil, it is consider a crime to affirm that a product... read more →
One important item inside sustainability politics is about the tanning/retanning leather process free of metal, internationally called “metal-free”. However, before we get into that, we have to understand what that... read more →