Courovale is characterized by a series of values that refer to the quality and safety of its products. And one of the characteristics of the company, which generate trust in the market, is the leather traceability system. One of the pillars of our sustainability policy, traceability is
one more guarantee related to the origin of the product, which acts by verifying its provenance and significantly reduces the possibility of articles not being in accordance with a high standard of demand.
In this system, Courovale seeks to work with certified and recognized suppliers in the market, thus, the quality policy becomes easier. Even the system itself provides for a specific marking on the skins to make traceability possible. In current commercial transactions, product reliability is a remarkable and fundamental characteristic for building a company’s good image.
It became a basic concept to become a positive reference and thus gain notoriety in commercial relations. And when trust is generated based on quality and safety, with certified and controlled origin, these positive values become more striking, and in this way, the name of the company is taken forward to new customers.
Technically, what is traceability?
The word traceability does not yet have a meaning in the dictionary, but already has become common among entrepreneurs and managers. It concerns the ability to identify the preceding stages of a given product – to follow the manufacturing trail – thereby seeking to reduce the margin of mistake, failure or defect, in order to increase productivity, and transfer greater credibility to the products. In practical terms, this can mean a financial enhancer for those involved in this productive chain.
Because from the moment that a commercial partner, who purchases our products, gets rid of worry about the product’s origin, more conditions and more time to think about what really matters: actions for the development of your company and ways to make more profit.
So, rest assured about the excellence of our leather. We guarantee in all technical and viable ways that we deliver the best for our customers! Learn more about Courovale and be enchanted!
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