Bovine leather that has metallized film application. Mixing different finishing techniques, we can offer the most varied prints, engravings and prints with this type of finish. We have a metallic... read more →
Courovale has several engraving plates, which give leather the texture of different types of animals, flower and geometric prints, giving depth and a three-dimensional aspect. The use of engraving, when... read more →
Varnish is a type of finish characterized by high gloss. A polyurethane film is formed on the leather that gives this characteristic. Our leathers mix different techniques together with varnish... read more →
Transfers are application films on leather, which can give designs and colors on the material. Normally applied to leather with nobucado touch.
They are bovine leathers with fur, which have the fur shorn to give softness and uniformity. We offer plain colors, where the animal's natural hair is dyed, and also articles... read more →