A sustentabilidade como um valor ético e moral
As a company that is focused on the sale of finished leathers, Courovale has the legal responsibility to comply with a series of requirements foreseen in the Legislation. And naturally we have implemented a broad sustainability policy, which provides for the traceability of leathers, waste management, water reuse and the monitoring of restrictive substances.
This policy is based on three vital pillars that complement each other:
The economic aspects
It aims to promote the continuous improvement of our production, seeking the financial profitability of the business, offering quality products for the satisfaction of our costumer.
Environmental aspects
That aims to optimize natural resources and energy efficiency, respecting environmental legislation and preserving the environment.
Social aspects:
And finally, preserving the individual. Respecting social inclusion, cultural diversity and promoting the health and safety of our employees.
All of this refers to part of the responsibilities and obligations, and it is our role, evidently as a company that positions itself in the market and is seen as a positive reference in the segment, to behave in this way.
However, we take the subject “sustainability” far beyond what would be provided for by law. We consider the topic of extreme relevance thinking about the next and future generations, and this is a message that we would like to take forward.
A humanitarian issue
Being and living sustainably is no longer just an obligation: it is an ethical and moral issue. It is to trace the present existence, guided by the future. Sustainability, in simple lines, is any process that seeks to preserve the environment in the best possible way. According to the Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS), “to talk about sustainable development, it is necessary to recognize that there are limits to natural resources”.
Thus, “sustainable development ” is the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In practical terms, “sustainability means meeting the needs of the present without affecting future generations”.
These are the values and concepts that really lead our efforts towards sustainability, and not only those that we would have to adapt to. We understand that there are impacts involved in our processes, however, we have adopted ways to ensure balance and preservation.
We at Courovale are concerned with participating in a movement that benefits everyone. Let nothing be lacking for the next today or in the distant future!