In the universe of premium material, leather occupies a prominent position, becoming a synonym for durability, elegance, and sophistication. Among the many origins of this coveted material, Brazilian leather is highlighted on a notary model. But what really puts Brazil on the podium of world leather production? Behind this big... read more →
The recent approval of Regulations 2023/956 by the European Commission marks a new era of commercial relationships and approaches to combat climate change. The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), demarcates the strong position of Europeans about the accounting for carbon emissions in imported products. Today, we will talk more about... read more →
Nowadays, companies looking not only to reduce their costs but also to contribute to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, have found an effective solution by adopting electricity in the Free Contracting Environment (ACL). This change not only brings economic benefits but also allows companies to make a difference in climate... read more →
In an increasingly connected world, international air freight shipping plays a vital role in the transportation of valuable products, including the luxurious leather that delights fashion enthusiasts around the world. In this article, we'll explore the process behind shipping leather by air to international destinations, revealing the steps that make... read more →
Fashion is a constantly evolving universe, where trends come and go each season. However, some color combinations have the power to stand the test of time and return in full force. One such iconic duo is the classic and sophisticated combination of black and white. And for fall/winter 2024, this... read more →